Best Wol Program

Posted on by admin

We have written our own little php script to handle this. It has functions to get a list of computer from active directory. Then pings the machines and retrieves the IP from the arp table then does some clever function to sniff out the MAC.

These are then stored in a database. We then have functions to turn on different sets of machines, and run scheduled tasks in the morning to turn on classroom PC's.I cant take any credit for it, my colleague wrote it all but it might be something you might want to think about it you have someone with some php knowledge as its a) Free and b) totally customize able to how you want it to work, as you the one making it.

Best word programBest word program for macWol

Decided to just stick with Spiceworks! - Got the main server sending WOL packets when it scans every morning b/w 2-5AM (8 subnets) - this way most computers are awake for WSUS to push updates to them.Then I have the Remote Collector (on same subnet as central server) scanning the same 8 subnets during the day with WOL turned off. Thus no one will accidentally re-image their computer while we mess with WDS in the day time.Well it's not fault proof but works for the most part I suppose and I will keep this solution til I find a more reliable way of waking up the network pc's.Thanks to all to supplied info but as I often find - Spiceworks is the way to go! Ahhh yes I forget about the WOL during scan option -thanks David1618 - I'm thinking of possibl yjust using a remote collector to do this so my original inventory scans don't have to use WOL when we set them. But I can't remember if when using remote collectors if those scan entries have their own option of WOL or if it uses the central's settings past the scan ranges.? Anyone have remote collectors setup still that could tell me?! I'll probably install one shortly just to check that is definitely a usable solution if the RM's have dedicated WOL option.however it would unfortunately then continue to scan the device at that point when I really only wanted it to send WOL packets to all!!

Best Word Program

Will try this out though. Almost got a solution other than the fact that WOL is not working through Spiceworks from the Remote Collector - I made a scan range on the Central and Remote server as the same thing - it's just for this one PC to testscan range is the device name instead of IP.WOL packet is enabled and time to wait set to 55 seconds.from Central Server I hit SCAN for this range. It immediately wakes the computer up. Then continues to do its scan.from Remote Collector I have it up and working to scan devices to that central server, I have duplicated the scan range for that PC. Now, I hit SCAN and it attempts the whole scan but never Wakes the PC up!?

Wake On Lan Command

Any ideas!I can keep the WOL enabled on the main server and it should work but would really like to be able to keep the main one scanning without WOL and only the Remote scan which occurs at a time when WOL is needed, to have this enabled! Decided to just stick with Spiceworks! - Got the main server sending WOL packets when it scans every morning b/w 2-5AM (8 subnets) - this way most computers are awake for WSUS to push updates to them.Then I have the Remote Collector (on same subnet as central server) scanning the same 8 subnets during the day with WOL turned off. Thus no one will accidentally re-image their computer while we mess with WDS in the day time.Well it's not fault proof but works for the most part I suppose and I will keep this solution til I find a more reliable way of waking up the network pc's.Thanks to all to supplied info but as I often find - Spiceworks is the way to go!