Opatch Failed With Error Code 100

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  1. Opatch Failed With Error Code 100 2

About. Name: Ivan KartikLocation: Bratislava, Slovak RepublicI've been working with various technologies including Oracle products since 1998 as developer, systems analyst, and later as Senior Oracle DBA. I'm responsible for maintaining database systems mostly based on Real Application Clusters technology. My specialization is administration, design, consolidation, migrations and proper licensing of database platforms and other products mostly running on Unix and Linux operating systems and during last years exploring the world of unstructured data.

Opatch failed with error code 15

Became first Oracle certified RAC Expert in Slovakia. I've been an Oracle ACE since 2006. My colleague has got this error message: $ opatch lsinventoryOPatch/opatch: line 750: bc: command not foundInvalid maximum heap size: -XmxmError: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.OPatch failed with error code 1A 'bc' is an arbitrary precision calculator language (witch is often required for math calculation in Bash scripts, when you are using floating-point numbers for example) and many of us are using the bc command as simple command-line calculator and now OPatch does it the as well. It is used just for setting maximum heap size for JRE (this is being done in setUpJREMemoryOPtions function of opatch command) which in newer versions is using 'bc' command. The idea behind this post is beacause many Linux/Unix (power) users don't know about 'bc', surprisingly even some SysAdmins. $ OPatchold/opatch versionOPatch Version: succeeded.$ OPatchnew/opatch versionOPatchnew/opatch: line 750: bc: command not foundInvalid maximum heap size: -XmxmError: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.Error: A fatal exception has occurred.

Program will exit.OPatch failed with error code 1# rpm -ih bc-1.06.95-13.el7.x8664.rpm################################## 100%Updating / installing################################## 100%$ OPatchnew/opatch versionOPatch Version: succeeded.To solve the issue simply execute (to install the bc package): # yum install bcand put the bc-.rpm to your list of required packages by Oracle software.聽Update 20.3.2017:Recently I have tested Opatch utility shipped in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (Opatch version Following error message appears if ' bc' package is not installed while opatchenv.sh exists in OPatch main directory./opatch lsinventory./opatch: line 908: bc: command not foundInvalid maximum heap size: -XmxmError: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.OPatch failed with error code 1If opatchenv.sh is missing in OPatch main directory 'bc' package is not required.

Opatch Failed With Error Code 100 2

Anyway I still recommend to have 'bc' package installed by default.