Sword Of Vengeanc

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Sword Of Vengeance 2015

Thailand. Turkey. Ukraine. United Arab Emirates. Sword of Vengeance is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Well Go USA with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 2.39:1. As mentionedabove in the main body of the review, the film's visual aesthetic is one of its most defining (and arguably most enjoyable) characteristics.


Quite abit of the film has been desaturated to near black and white levels, with only invididual elements like skin retaining just a hint of 'natural' tones.Other long sequences are bathed in a sort of sepia ambience, a slightly brown hazy look that doesn't quite have the same sharpness and detaillevels as the desaturated sequences. (See screenshots 1, 5, 6, 7 and 10 for some of the near black and white desaturated sequences. Seescreenshots 2, 4 and 8 for examples of the sepia toned sequences.) Generally speaking, detail and fine detail are quite commendable, withelements like the roughness of Shadow Walker's shaved hairdo or textures on costumes offering precision.

Some of the exterior locations addimmeasurably to the desolate feeling of the film, with the characters wandering through almost Abstract Expressionist looking forests, which arepresented with good depth of field and appealingly sharp contrast. There are some recurrent issues with banding, mostly limited to the lightestgradients in the near black and white sequences. Shadow detail can also be minimal in both the black and white and sepia toned sequences. Sword of Vengeance features an interesting sounding DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix, one which tends to ping pong between forceful, LFEdominated battle sequences, and more arid, barren feeling scenes offering things like Shadow Walker simply moving through an abandonedenvironment. Dialogue is rather spare in this film, but is presented very cleanly and clearly. Ambient environmental effects are very well placedthroughout the surrounds, and the big battle set pieces offer near constant immersion, with a lot of low end activity.

Some of the 'scoring'choices (which include a hilarious helicopter noise during one of Shadow Walker's training sequences) may provoke a bit of laughter. Fidelity isexcellent anddynamic range extremely wide on this problem free track.

Description:It’s basically God of War Zero: Roman Mythology, a badass protagonist Thrax, chosen by the gods, acquiring new weapons and solving a few puzzles along his path through various temples and ruins, brutally fighting and executing a bunch of enemies from the Roman mythology, all to destroy the gods Phobos and Deimos. This game was advertised as a Gladiator type game(probably to cash in on the Russel Crow movie) but in reality the “gladiator” part makes for a very small amount of the whole game. The combat is simple, fluid and full of gory executions and puzzles aren’t that difficult. Really (along a few other games) the closest thing to God of War there is on PC. System Requirements:. Play and win. Operating system: Windows (tested on Win7 32bit). CPU: 1 GHz.


Memory: 256 mb RAM. Hard drive: 890 mb. Graphics hardware: GeForce 3How to Play:.

Extract the folder “Gladiator Sword of Vengeance” from GSVOC.rar anywhere you want. Start the “start.exe” for settings but it will probably crash and then start the game from Gladiator.exe. Enjoy this hack and slash game!Screenshots.