Devilbiss Starting Line Spray Gun Manual

3rd place is the amazing DeVilbiss SGK-600-BV 1.4mm, otherwise known as the FLG5.This gun is easily the best budget gun on the market, tired of buying cheap guns that last a year? Well this is the gun to upgrade to, I have advised many people to get this gun and everyone is impressed with how it preforms, it has a massive fan and pumps out a nice amount of paint, it has featured in lots of my videos and I am happy to put it above the SATA 5k because you could buy 4+ of these before you buy one SATA 5K. Hello Gunman– What do you think about the LVMP spray guns – I find a nice flat finish with a low air pressure setting at the gun.It seems the best so far applying my Colour Dip N peel – A Liquid Vinyl WrapI sent you some photos of our Nissan Cube in Chameleon,If you send me your address I can send you some free samples to try.We also have Pearls and Pigments if you check our website – have samples available for you to try as well- Candy,Pearls,Holographic,Metallic,Alloy Chameleon – Multi coloured pearls, fluro,glow in the darkThanks John. Finally a painter i wish i could work with. I was tired of the big shops wanting just get it done dont worry about a nice job we will just have somebody rub it. So i left the trade. I came out of retirement to spray a 1968 cornet acrylic enamel and smashed that job like i never left the trade.
Im now been asked to paint another job. This will be clear coated. Last gun i had was sata 95 which i can get a glass finish no problem.
I would like to try a new gun with i pattern or the best gun for clear. Material is non issue owner has plenty. Its a high solids 3:1:1 Two coat per manufacture recommends.
I was thinking w400 or ls400 orPro lite with t20. I spray exactly like your style. Thanks from USA.
Devilbiss Spray Guns For Sale

Ive been painting for years with cheap crappy guns (part time hobby on my own cars), i want to buy a new gun for base and one for clear. I notice you are always spraying clear with the gti pro lite now. Should i get a second one for base, with the te10 cap and a larger needle? Or do you recommend something else. Theres a digital version of it now too which was the one i was going to get (te20 cap and 1.3mm tip for clear)ironically my current guns are both the star s4000 which you have said is the worst gun you have ever experienced. So anything will be a step up.
Haha, yeah anything will be an improvement from the S4000, As far as advice on a gun or setup goes I’d like to know a bit more like where are you and what’s the climate, what kind of paint are you using, are you a diy guy or automotive refinisher, what’s your budget also is money a big issue? But without knowing all that I’d say if you want 2 guns I’d get the DeVilbiss GPI 1.4mm for basecoat, then the GTI Pro lite TE20 1.3mm for clear. Another good option is the SGK 1.4mm another cheap gun but real good. Thanks for your reply. I’m in Perth Western Australia. Have a “prep bay” with a semi down draft setup for painting in.
Two walls are painted gyprock or concrete with the other two walls being the booth intake wall and the other a heavy clear vinyl curtainMoney isn’t super tight. A couple of 500 dollar guns was what I was aiming at. Can’t justify guns like the sata 5000 etcEnthusiast not refinisher. But cars are my life.
Have painted probably 10-12 cars for myself and a lot of smal projects in between for myself and friends/family. I’ve been using DuPont paints until now. Changing to Standox as a friend of mine has a panel shop with the standox mixing system. So I would still be recommending what I mentioned above, not like there’s anything wrong with the pro lite TE20 for basecoat but I guess it will save you a few bucks and also that way you’ve got a couple of different guns.
The GPI can also be upgraded to a primer gun by purchasing the extra tips, It’s my primer/base gun at the moment. I highly recommend SpraygunsDirect and they recently said anyone they think has come as a result of me will definitely be treated well, buy from where you want really but I have only had good dealings with them. HelloFirst of all congratulations for your great job and of couarse your great help to us all!I wanted to ask you about which spray gun to choose.I’m a DIYer not a proffesional but still “Handy” with spray painting.Mostly i refinishing furniture coats + laquers but i’m interested also for motorcycle plastics + tanks or a small repair for my car (A bumper or a door panel).I got two guns.
Asturo 1.8mm italian (I think) low bugdet gun for primers and a Star S-106 1.4mm (not HVLP).I’m tottaly satisfied from Asturo as a primer and furniture (heavy) clear coat with this 1.8mm tip.I’ve use the Star also for some jobs with great result.Also i used it for an automotive repair for a bumber. Basecoat was ok. Clear coat was a bit orange peel.My 1.4mm Star S-106 is ok for clear coats? I’m thinking to but the S-106 with 1.7mm and the Star mini S-106T with 0.8mm for small jobs.Whats your advice?I’m asking just for clear coats (automotive + motorcycle). Nice man, I’m a trade spraypainter, but do IT for a job!I still do a lot of week-end work, mostly Pinball machines (playfield) restores and finish off using Express clear at 4:1.I also do motorbikes and just recently a full respray, been using my Iwata W400What Cap would you recommend I use, I was thinking 1.3 with either TE20, but like the idea of the TE10 (low pressure low volume)Oh, what do you think about the Pro Lites with the digital display that sits on-top of the gun (not at the base)Cheers.
Gunman,I really enjoy watching your videos and most, I really like your advise. It gets hard speaking to the manufactures.
Devilbiss Starting Line Spray Gun
Especially when they always say their gun is the best. I am a distributor in the U.S. For a product called Nano-Clear.
It is a Polyurethane Hybrid Clear. Low Viscosity. We also do projects on our own in our local area.
We are use to a DeVilbiss Finishline with a 1.3 MM tip. We want to step up to a superior gun and be able to tell our customers which gun we prefer. Our manufacture of Nano-Clear recommends a 12 inch spray pattern, air pressure at 28 PSI, 1.4 MM tip, HVLP gravity spray gun. I have spoken to DeVilbiss, Sata and Anest Iwata. DeVilbiss recommends their Tekna ProLite with TE10 cap. Sata recommends their Sata Jet 5000B.
Anest Iwata recommends their WS400. I am looking for something superior, not worried about the money. But just want a really good gun. I wish you could demo guns before purchasing. It’s obvious you really like the Tekna ProLite. Before watching a hand full of your videos, I was leaning towards the Iwata WS400.
I know that isn’t HVLP, but the guy I spoke to at Iwata said everyone of those they sell for spraying clear coat, all customers call back saying they love it for clear coat. But again, I am speaking to the company that manufactures them and sells them. Its very hard to take his word.
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You are the closest person I have that’s not bias to one company or the other. Before speaking to Iwata I was leaning towards the ProLite because I think the SataJet looks too complicated to set up and the lady never really gave me too much time. DeVilbiss and Iwata gave me their respect and as much time as I needed for questions. Which gun do you think fits me and my product best.
I’m just spraying a polyurethane clear coat. Nothing else. On your recommendation I purchased the Tekna Prolite (steam punk edition) and the Sata 5000 B RP (ltd.Aviator) as my first real guns. I’ve always believed you’re only as good as your tools and instruments will allow you to be. So I won’t be held back by cheap quality. And I must say, this Proline just laid down an INCREDIBLE finish today on my 2015 Challenger’s bonnet.Thank you so much for your knowledge and videos. I would have NEVER tried this without you’re inspiration and guidance.CHEERS from the USA.
Hi Gunman, UK newbie here,Been following a few YouTube painters but keep coming back to you as I like your straight talking advice, backed up with Jedi skills,some beautiful painting.I purchased a DV GTI from ebay, but am selling it (not used it) based on your advice RE LVLP for the home DIYer.I’m picking up snippets of info on which LVLP gun to go for (base and clear applications if possible, which tips and nozzles etc) but I’m struggling to find a dedicated LVLP tutorial that covers say top 3 guns, nozzle and tip advice.Can you direct me to such a tutorial, if you done one?CheersRichard.