Handbook Of The Arts In Qualitative Research Pdf

'In discipline after discipline, old models, methods, and theories of research have been supplanted or supplemented by new paradigms, strategies, and techniques based on a naturalistic study of people in their social and cultural environment. The Handbook of Qualitative Research is the first attempt to synthesize this vast world of activity. The handbook moves from the theoretical to the specific, examining the various paradigms for doing qualitative work, the strategies developed for studying people in their natural setting, and a variety of techniques for collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting findings.' 'Contributors to this authoritative volume represent disciplines as diverse as sociology and education, medicine and communication, anthropology and policy studies, and come from three continents.' Read more.Rating:(not yet rated)Subjects.More like this. Find more information about:ISBN: 798OCLC Number:29029458Description:xii, 643 pages: illustrations; 26 cmContents:Introduction: Entering the field of qualitative research / Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S.
Lincoln -Qualitative methods: their history in sociology and anthropology / Arthur J. Vidich, Stanford M.
Lyman -Traditions, preferences, and postures in applied qualitative research / David Hamilton -Working the hyphens: reinventing self and other in qualitative research / Michelle Fine -Politics and ethics in qualitative research / Maurice Punch -Competing paradigms in qualitative research / Egon G. Guba, Yvonna S.
Lincoln -Constructivist, interpretivist approaches to human inquiry / Thomas A. Schwandt -Rethinking critical theory and qualitative research / Joe L. Kincheloe, Peter L. McLaren -Feminisms and models of qualitative research / Virginia Olesen -Ethnic modeling in qualitative research / John H. Stanfield II -Audiencing: cultural practice and cultural studies / John Fiske -The dance of qualitative research design: metaphor, methodolatry, and meaning / Valerie J.

Janesick -Designing funded qualitative research / Janice M. Morse -Case studies / Robert E.
Stake -Ethnography and participant observation / Paul Atkinson, Martyn Hammersley -Phenomenology, ethnomethodology, and interpretive practice / James A. Holstein, Jaber F. Gubrium -Grounded theory methodology: an overview / Anselm Strauss, Juliet Corbin -Biographical method / Louis M. Smith -Historical social science: methodologies, methods, and meanings / Gaye Tuchman -Three approaches to participative inquiry / Peter Reason -Clinical research / William L. Miller, Benjamin F. Crabtree -Interviewing: the art of science / Andrea Fontana, James H.
Frey -Observational techniques / Patricia A. Adler, Peter Adler -The interpretation of documents and material culture / Ian Hodder -On the authority of the image: visual methods at the crossroads / Douglas Harper -Personal experience methods / D.
Jean Clandinin, F. Michael Connelly -Data management and analysis methods / A. Michael Huberman, Matthew B. Miles -Using computers in qualitative research / Thomas J. Richards, Lyn Richards -Narrative, content, and semiotic analysis / Peter K. Manning, Betsy Cullum-Swan -Criteria for assessing interpretive validity in qualitative research / David L. Altheide, John M.
Handbook Of Qualitative Research 1994
Johnson -The art and politics of interpretation / Norman K. Denzin -Writing: a method of inquiry / Laurel Richardson -Qualitative program evaluation: practice and promise / Jennifer C. Greene -Influencing the policy process with qualitative research / Ray C. Rist -What comes (just) after 'post'?: the case of ethnography / George E.

Marcus -The fifth moment / Yvonna S. Lincoln, Norman K. Denzin.Series Title:Other Titles:Qualitative research.Responsibility:Norman K.
Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, editors.More information:.Abstract.