Ulead Video Studio 6 Full
Ulead VideoStudio 9supports Sony Handycam HDR-HC1: UleadSystems, Inc., a 16-year industry leader in video, image and DVDsoftware, today announced that Ulead VideoStudio 9, Ulead's consumervideo editing software, will add support for the Sony HandyCam HDR-HC1camcorder, the first consumer HDV 1080i camcorder. The Ulead HDV Plug-infor Ulead VideoStudio 9 provides Sony HDR-HC1 users a cost-effectivesolution to capture, edit, and output high-resolution HDV 1080i video.Lewis Liaw, president of Ulead, said: 'Easy-to-useHDV editing softwareadds to the richness of that experience. We are excited to offer SonyHDR-HC1 customers the power of Ulead VideoStudio for creating personalcontent in high-definition.' Ulead 9 - HDV video qualityHDV represents a new generation of video quality with 16:9 aspectratio and higher resolution for greater detail and more vivid colors.The Ulead VideoStudio 9 HDV Plug-in for Ulead VideoStudio 9 enablesusers to incorporate HDV fully in their video projects, from capturethrough output.

Ulead Video Studio 6 Full Free
The Movie Wizard lets users capture HDV and then create afinished movie by choosing from over 20 stylish movie templates withtitles, music, transitions and a DVD menu, all of which can becustomized.Ulead VideoStudio 9 - Sony HDR-HC1 supportIn the full Video Editor, users can capture video and audio innative HDV format. Projects can be edited in widescreen 16:9 format. HDVclips can be incorporated in the overlay track for picture-in-picture,chroma key and video overlay effects. Advanced features such as videodistortion, video pan-and-zoom and artistic filters are all availablefor HDV projects. Ripple editing, multi-trim editing and time-savingSmartRender options are also fully enabled.
Users can combine HDV clipswith clips in DV or other formats in a single project for greatercreative freedom. VideoStudio is also compatible with the Sony HDR-HC1when used in DV mode or when using the camera to downsample video fromHDV to DV format. For output options VideoStudio lets users saveprojects in native HDV format, encode to WMV-HD, QuickTime or a widerange of other supported formats, downsample to DV or output to DVD.HDV format - Real time MPEG editingThe HDV format was established by Canon Inc., Sharp Corporation,Sony Corporation, and Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) inSeptember 2003. It was designed to give consumers an affordable way torecord and playback high-quality, high-definition video to standard DVand mini DV cassette tapes. A leader in real-time MPEG editingtechnology, in March 2004 Ulead was the first company to offer nativeHDV editing support for video editing software with the release of theUlead HD Plug-in for MediaStudio Pro 7.
The Ulead HD Plug-in 2.0 forMediaStudio Pro 7 also supports the Sony HDR-HC1 camcorder. The UleadHDV Plug-in for VideoStudio 9 is available for downloadDownload.