The Trial Of Brother Jero Pdf

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The trial of brother jero pdf 2016
  1. Trials Of Brother Jero Play
  2. The Trials Of Brother Jero Full Text Pdf

Trials Of Brother Jero Play

SummaryThe first scene opens with a spotlight on a well-groomed and “suave” (201) man identified as the Prophet. Holding a canvas pouch and “divine rod” (201), the man speaks directly to the audience.

In his soliloquy he explains that he was born to be a prophet. However, nowadays, the man says, the profession is overrun by inferior Prophets, and “territorial warfare” (201) has broken out amongst the competing Prophets along the Beach.

The Trials Of Brother Jero Full Text Pdf

The Prophets are also losing their congregation to the new influences of High Life, a popular style of Nigerian music, and television.When the Prophet also mentions that he has been cursed by his old Master, the scene then cuts to a brief flashback of the Old Master shaking his fist and cursing at the Prophet. The Old Master curses the Prophet Jeroboam, wishing that “the Daughters of Eve.This section contains 1,430 words(approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page).