Synology Failed To Package Update
Hi,I’m not able to run the Duplicati package on my brand new DS415+. I’ve been running Duplicati on my private Windows server for years now so I was keen te get it on my NAS too.I’ve installed the Mono package, version 3.10.0-4. I’ve installed the latest Duplicati package. The package will not run, rebooted the NAS to be sure, no effect.I checked the post ‘Package for Synology doesn’t launch on DS416’ but it didn’t provide an answer that works for me hence this new post.FYI: I’m an experienced Sys Admin but on M$/Citrix/RES. My Linux skills leave a lot to be desired. Hi Kenneth,Thanks for replying.I’ve found that post. As commented on the github page:Hi Guys,I tried the http group, but that did not work for me.
What I actually noticed could maybe help: for me it does not work when I use the. So when I remotely access my NAS (using ) and run duplicati in the console, it gives the errors as described. When I access the NAS on a local machine, using the IP address instead of quickconnect, it does work (first had an XSRV (?) error, but that disapeared when i did a reload). I did not try a backup, still have to setup an SFTP server on my linux machine.

Synology Package Center
Euh, just noticing this error in my log:System.Net.WebException: Error: TrustFailure (The authentication or decryption has failed.) — System.IO.IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed. — System.IO.IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed. — Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.TlsException: Invalid certificate received from server. Hi - welcome to the forum!For the record, Duplicati should be able to work with mono 3.0 - and I know some people have had it working with mono 4.5. That being said, I think I read somewhere (sorry, can’t find it right now) that the Synology provided mono package had some issue and “manually” installing it resolved the problem.Out of curiosity, are you having the problem as well or were you just offering help. I ask because this is a fairly old issue so if you yourself need assistance we might want to break this off to it’s own topic.
Synology Failed To Download Package Updates
I got this same error (Failed to run the package service) and after a few hours of debugging it turns out the service script tries to source /root/.profile. On my DS412+ I didn’t have this file. It might just have been something on my particular NAS because I’ve had it for years and I use the CLI on the synology extensively and use all sort of CLI tools. I might have deleted this file at some point setting up my shell environment. Once I logged in as root (“sudo -i” as admin) and touch this file it finally started. I have the same problem as others that if I try to stop the service it’s left running and I need to kill it manually from the shell before I can start it again. Posting this reply in case someone else has the same error shown in the screenshot above and might have the same problem as myself.