Game Pokemon Java
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This is a perfect example of why a component based system is good! Your general entity class has the 'IsPokemon' component which contains all their basic data (name, HP, moveset etc). Then you can add an 'EvolvesTo' component to each Pokemon that denotes who they evolve to and the conditions required for that evolution (this could potentially be more than one since some have branching evolutions). Then every time some action happens to a Pokemon (levels up, use an item on them etc) you run through the 'EvolvesTo' component and see if any of the conditions have been satisfied. If one of then has then you replace the data in the 'IsPokemon' component with whoever it evolves into (there'd probably be some kind of conversion function to help with this due to stats etc).That's maybe not the 100% best way but I just wrote it off the top of my head. Well if you're working on an actual 2D Pokemon game like the ones made by Nintendo, best of luck to you because that is a crazy hard game to start off with.My suggestion would be to use polymorphism and have a base class called Pokemon, and bunch of other classes for each individual pokemon. This suggestion is the more OOP method of doing it and will take a lot of work if you decide to add 200+ pokemon.On the other hand, you could have files with each pokemon's stats and a line containing their image sprite and their evolutions.
Load all of this information into an object of a Pokemon class. When the pokemon levels up, just evolve it to it's next evolution and replace it's information with that of the pokemon it's evolving into's file.For example:Load Pichu file Pichu evolves - Load Pikachu. But also keep in mind that each pokemon has their own line of attacks too. Some are shared, but a lot of them are unique. I don't know off the top of my head (haven't played pokemon in a while) but if there are more unique skills, you might actually want to have an OOP solution. If many of the attacks are shared among the pokemon, then an entity based solution would be better.
Pokemon Game Java 240x320
So unless you could implement the attacks and their side effects all in XML/JSON and have that file not get out of control, then it makes little sense to have a file that holds all of their stats/attributes, and a class that holds their unique abilities. You might as well just have a separate class for each pokemon. I would have an 'Ability' class that has a name, description, type information, pokemon ID it belongs to, and strength. Each ability described and stored in an external file (a text file would probably be easiest, and allow for modding). Then the pokemon has an Ability array that grabs each ability tied to its ID. If some abilities are used by more than one pokemon, this could be modified to accomodate that pretty easily. Pokemon information stored in a separate external file, each pokemon having an ID, name, description, 'evolves to' ID (or, in the case of strictly tertiary evolution, simply store the pokemon sequentially, so when evolution occurs you can increment the ID by 1.
If ID%30, evolution not possible). I think each pokemon does not need its own class. I would think the one 'pokemon' class could have an evolve function which reads a evolution mapping. Like if current ID=evee then evolveToID=flareon. But i guess some input is required for this special 1to3 evolution pokemon. So start with 1to1 evolutions like standard pokemon(charmeleon to charizard). When the ID of the pokemon changes, load the new data about this pokemon into the object or merge old skills ajd stats with the new ones.
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I would hardcode all pokemon data in some file. Id, name, bitmap, stats per level, list of skills. You know, things that dont change about each pokemon, then maybe another file that stores current unique pokemon like a save file.idk.there are so many ways to program an apple.randPokemon = new CPokemon(ID); // would read and load the xml file that stores ID and specifics about that pokemonID.