Sap Sapcar Exercises

Sapcar Utility
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Hi!!The easiest way is to copy SAPCAR.exe to the directory where you have thefiles you want to uncar, in your case /usr/sap/trans/. You can findSAPCAR.exe at /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run/.Regards. Manuel.2006/4/2, hanyelwahab via sap-r3-basis =: Hi All The Best Way To Achived That Is To Put SAPCAR Undre Windows Directory And Run It From Command Line. Best Regards 'zied.khouja via sap-r3-basis' wrote: You must execute this program from its directory. Hi,You need to export the path/usr/sap//sys/exe/run in the environmentvariables section or otheriwise log on to the systemas sidadm user.- 'manuel.lucena via sap-r3-basis' wrote: Hi!!
The easiest way is to copy SAPCAR.exe to the directory where you have the files you want to uncar, in your case /usr/sap/trans/. You can find SAPCAR.exe at /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run/. Regards. Manuel. 2006/4/2, hanyelwahab via sap-r3-basis: Hi All The Best Way To Achived That Is To Put SAPCAR Undre Windows Directory And Run It From Command Line.
Best Regards 'zied.khouja via sap-r3-basis' wrote: You must execute this program from its directory.