Download Albanian Dance Shelley Hanson Program Notes Software
Treat yourself to a magical time at the Cleveland Botanical Garden's holiday event, Glow at the Garden, which opened Friday, November 29th and runs until January 5th. Back for its 2nd year, all of your favorite past Glow experiences are also returning.Take a train ride through the garden, feast your eyes on over 100 gingerbread houses (you can even decorate your own to take home!), enjoy live seasonal music performances, dozens of trees delightfully decorated by garden clubs, and the twinkling lights. Plus, there are a few new surprises in store for you.Check out a few pictures of the.
So where does a company put its limited advertising resources? Other Social Media?The Great Lakes Geek asked Dave Skorepa, Chief Creative Officer, and Matt Messenger, Director of Web Marketing, of Aztek, a Cleveland web design firm, specializing in custom responsive web design and web application development and web marketing.Matt quotes a report that only 37% of Facebook advertisers were satisfied and Dave has some concerns about the ads being too targeted and displaying just how much information they have about him.
Check it out. Joy Kouns Lewis spoke about the tragic storm devastation in her hometown and surrounding areas in the Philippines. Almost two weeks ago, Super Typhoon Haiyan - called Yolanda in the Philippines - landed in Eastern Samar and Leyte provinces and destroyed much of Tacloban City.Experts say it was one of the most powerful storms ever to hit land. Thousands are dead and thousands are missing. Local Filipino and other communities are planning events to raise funds to help those affected by this tragedy. Congressman Dennis Kucinich accepted the first annual Champion of Immigrants award at an event in Cleveland sponsored by the International Services Center.As its first recipient of this annual award, the ISC selected Dennis J. Kucinich, former U.S.
Congressman and Mayor of Cleveland, because of his ongoing dedication and service to immigrants both locally and on a national level. As the grandson of immigrants from Croatia and Ireland, Congressman Kucinich understood the diversity that makes up the ethnic neighborhoods of Cleveland, as well as those in the African American and Latino communities. Throughout his political career he “stood up for the people,” addressing their concerns and problems.As a Member of Congress, his advocacy for immigrants and refugees helped many come and stay in this country. He also opened doors for bilateral trade with the countries represented by immigrants in Greater Cleveland. He has always put immigration to the forefront of his service to our community and country, and so richly deserves this honor.
This year, on November 28, 2013, two of the most delicious holidays for Jews collide: Thanksgiving and Hanukkah.This much anticipated day, a day when you finally can eat Thanksgiving turkey and potato latkes at the same time, will not happen again in our lifetime, or even our great-grandchildren's lifetime.According to the Denver Post, the last time the confluence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah happened was 1888. This year it occurs Nov. 28, which is the second night of the eight-day Hanukkah celebration. The next time it will occur?
Hold on to your dreidels: By some calculations, it won't be for another 79,043 years, thanks to disparities between the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars.When life gives you Hanukkah on Thanksgiving, make a menurkey. Or a turkel.Gobble Tov! I have to admit that watching compilations of the best Vines (6 second videos) can be addictive. Some are really funny. Most are stupid.
That's the web.But is there a business case for Vine?We use to wonder if messages of 140 characters or less could be productive and Twitter showed us that it could. But a 6 second video?The Great Lakes Geek asked Dave Skorepa, Chief Creative Officer, and Matt Messenger, Director of Web Marketing, of Aztek, a Cleveland web design firm, specializing in custom responsive web design and web application development and web marketing.Matt pointed out an effective business use and Dave told of the competition with Instagram. I sent a fax the other day.That doesn't sound like a big deal but it's beenmany months since I sent the last one.
Being a Geek I used to have a portablefax that could be (gulp) attached to my belt to demonstrate my Alpha Geekstatus.Now, we keep the fax machine off because every morning there would be a bunchof spam advertisements and never anything 'good.' When I needed to send a quick page the other day and the company just listedtheir fax number, I plugged in the fax, took a moment to remember that the paperwent in face down and top end first and sent it off.It was convenient and fast but I have no idea what it looked like to therecipient. You can be pretty sure when you attach a pdf to an e-mail.With a scanner on my desk, the fax has been used less and less. We don'tprint our fax number on business cards or letterhead anymore. Do you?Let us know how often you use the fax machine and why. We will publish someof the most interesting comments (anonymous if you prefer).Leave a comment -just don't fax it.
Rotary Club of Cleveland is pleased to present its 2013 International ServiceAward to and its founders, Pat Hanson, Dan Hanson, andDeborah Hanson not only for their commitment to a better world and thefurtherance of world understanding and peace, but for their global vision insupport of the international community of Greater Cleveland and the State ofOhio.The Presentation will be made at its annual International Fellowship Day onApril 11 at 12:00 noon, Windows on the River.Please R.S.V.P. To the Rotary Office no later than 12:00 Noon, Monday, April8, 2013 by or by calling 216-556-8637.The cost is $20.00 per person. Checks should be made payable to the RotaryClub of Cleveland – MasterCard and VISA are also accepted.Parking is complimentary – please advise the guard at the Security gate atthe entrance to the parking lot that you are attending the Rotary luncheonmeeting. Here's a puzzle to get you in the mood for the upcoming baseball season.Let's say that for the first half of the baseball season, Nick Swisher hitsfor a higher batting average than Asdrubal Cabrera. During the second half ofthe season, Swisher again hits for a higher average than Cabrera.Is it possible for Cabrera to have a higher average for the season as awhole?It sure is.The Great Lakes Geek will post a solution in a few days but think about itfirst. If you know how it could happen, leave a comment. Brian Burch of posted the following sentiment this morning (and the picture)“Catholic Americans join their brothers andsisters in the Faith around the world in humble acceptance of the decision todayby Pope Benedict XVI to leave the Chair of Peter later this month.
Download Albanian Dance Shelley Hanson Program Notes Software For Mac

This historicdecision comes fittingly as the Church prepares to enter the season of Lent,where marked with ashes, we are reminded of our human limits and utterdependence on the grace and providence of the Lord of history. We are mindfulthat the universality of the Church is particularly visible during thesehistoric events where the prayer, tradition, and grandeur of Catholicism are ondisplay for the world to see.
We give thanks for the rich pontificate of HisHoliness Pope Benedict XVI, and await with joyful hope and prayer the workingsof the Holy Spirit in our Church in the weeks ahead.”. On the 2nd floor of Asian Town Plaza on East 38th Street in Cleveland'sAsiaTown you can find restaurants, art and the Cleveland AikikaiDojo.The Aikikai is the original school of Aikido. It is centered on theAikikai Foundation in Japan, and its figurehead is the Doshu (the family heir ofthe founder of Aikido). It is represented globally through the InternationalAikido Federation.Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshibaas a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikidois often translated as 'the Way of unifying (with) life energy' or as 'the Wayof harmonious spirit.' Ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitionerscould use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker frominjury.Sensei Jim Klar of Cleveland Aikikai says that Aikido techniques teachone to prevent confrontation but how to deal with them if rational attempts donot succeed. Gallery One at the Cleveland Museum of Art is a unique, interactive gallery thatblends art, technology and interpretation to inspire visitors to explore themuseum's renowned collections.This revolutionary space features the largest multi-touch screen in theUnited States, which displays images of over 3,500 objects from the museum'sworld-renowned permanent collection.
This 40-foot Collection Wall allowsvisitors to shape their own tours of the museum and to discover the full breadthof the collections on view throughout the museum's galleries.The interactive displays, the fun exhibits and the incredible Collection Wallmake this world-class Gallery a must see. He has two Ph.D's and an IQ of 187, he plays 'Words with Friends' withStephen Hawking, and he owns Leonard Nimoy's napkin.The globalmarch to spread the genius of The Big Bang Theory's Dr. Sheldon Cooperjust crossed scientific fields, from theoretical physics to evolutionary zoobiology, as a new species of the Brazilian orchid bee — Euglossa bazinga — hasbeen named after Dr. Coopper's zippy catchphrase - Bazinga.Brazilian biologist Andre Nemesio from the Universidade Federal deUberlandia discovered the new species of beautiful, but misunderstood orchid beethat bears a striking resemblance to the Euglossa ignita, (or more commonWestern Brazilian orchid bee). Because the bees share so many similarcharacteristics, their existence as a separate species eluded scientists foryears. Hence, the bees' grand 'bazinga' on the world of science!Steven Molaro, one of The Big Bang Theory's executive producers,acknowledged the unprecedented honor on behalf of the show and Dr.
Weare always extremely flattered when the science community embraces our show.Sheldon would be honored to know that Euglossa bazinga was inspired by him. Infact, after 'Mothra' and griffins, bees are his third-favorite flyingcreatures.' Modern fuel today contains up to 10-percent ethanol (E10). Most modernpower equipment is designed to handle E10, but problems arise when fuel is leftto stand for prolonged periods of time and especially with older equipment notdesigned to handle any ethanol. The high amount of oxygen present in ethanolnaturally decays gasoline, which is organic.Imagine if you left a jug of milk in the fridge and then left another jug ofmilk outside in the middle of the summer - open. Obviously, the milk outsidewill decay much faster.So if you let gas sit in your lawn mower or snow blower or other device, makesure you.